WhatsApp has been talking about adding a new feature called "Channels" for a while now. They hinted at it a few months ago but didn't say when it would be available to everyone. Well, the good news is that WhatsApp has now released an update that includes "Channels." This is an entirely new feature, and it might be a bit tricky to figure out how to use it. That's why we're here to help you learn how to create a WhatsApp Channel.
What is WhatsApp Channel?
Imagine a WhatsApp Channel like your own private newsletter on WhatsApp. If you're the owner of a WhatsApp Channel, you can send updates directly to people who subscribe to it. As a subscriber, you can find and follow your favorite Channels, and you'll get all their updates right in your WhatsApp chats.
The good thing is, it keeps everything private. So, other subscribers won't know if you're following a channel, and your personal WhatsApp information is hidden from both other subscribers and the channel owners. It's like having a secret fan club on WhatsApp!
how to create whatsapp channel:
Follow these steps to create a new channel:
1. Open WhatsApp on your phone.
2. Go to the “Updates” tab.
3. Tap the “+” icon (or equivalent) and select “New channel.”
4. Tap “Get started” and follow the on-screen prompts.
5. Add a channel name to complete the creation of your channel. You can change the name later if needed.
6. You have the option to customize your channel now by adding a description and icon, or you can choose to do this later.
7. Finally, tap ‘Create Channel‘ to start your new WhatsApp Channel.
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